From Aha to Holy Shit…

What would the world look like if everything went exactly according to plan?

Perfect you say?  Or pretty boring?

Whatever your thoughts are on the subject, the truth is that all growth business and personal, can leap ahead exponentially 1 minute, then slowly sink into a quagmire the next.

The slow quagmire, is simply there for you to retool, rethink, and bring about amazing change once again.

Running your own business can be the best thing you’ve ever created if you do it right.

Especially if you’re willing to ride out the lull and hang in there tight when it all does take off!

The Holy Shit moments do happen and they can be an incredible learning experience.

This blog will document a lot of my insights as I moved out of the wine marketing business on thee  wholesale and retail level in NY & NJ and transition to a business coaching practice that allows me to interact and help clients all over the planet.

Together, I help people create a brand image for themselves and way to position themselves and their products in a way that will allow you to quickly attract clients.  Ahem… high paying clients.

I’ve developed this system so that I can spend as much free time as possible travelling all over the world.  And lately so that I have even more free time to create a Healing and Meditation retreat Center in Tasmania called appropriately enough, the Vortex Healing Centre.  If you’re into meditation,  Click here for a guided meditation called “Your Inner Buddha” and like our facebook page. I really appreciate your support.

Would you like to be able to get your work in 96 min/day instead of spending endless hours slaving over a hot computer?

Sound impossible?

I can assure you its not!

Doing the right things at the right time and in the right order is the key to your success!

Sign up for the link above or send me a private message on facebook and I can show you how!