How to get cash back from your delayed flights to/from Europe
How to claim cash back if your flight to/from Europe is delayed.
Has your flight ever been delayed into/out of Europe?
Who hasn’t had a flight delayed that may be the better question.
So regardless of airline status and your club status or your boarding status at the gate. Delays can be a royal pain when you’re travelling internationally.
Once you add in the time zone changes and a flight delay can really mess with your schedule and your head.
The good news is the EU has taken great strides in helping people at least get compensation for any lengthy delays (over 3 hours) and I’ve found a service online that will help you get paid cash for the inconvenience.
The Company Green Claim helps passengers claim the legal compensation after a flight delay, cancellation or denied boarding. They assist passengers around the world through websites in six languages. The English version has come to the scene to help you get what you are legally entitled to receive.
And, it doesn’t matter what the flight costs, the payout is based on the length of time delayed and the km the trip was scheduled for. There’s an easy online process to follow and all you’ll need is your flight confirmation, eticket or boarding passes to get started.
They do all the work and file the documents to get your compensation sent right to you. They claim that they win 98% of the claims and you only pay a fee if your claim is successful. Once they submit your claim, you won’t pay an upfront fee. They process the claim on your behalf and charge you 25% of the total compensation once the claim is actually paid out. They don’t change any addt’l admin or legal fees for any legal action that’s taken.
Sounds like a great deal to me. I’d love to hear how this works for you.