Here’s the link to my live radio show today – You will still be able to listen to archive after the event. I’ll be sharing a few tips on How to Get Your Phone Ringing Off The Hook With A Rush Of New Clients Right Now using social media. These are the exact techniques I […]
What would the world look like if everything went exactly according to plan? Perfect you say? Or pretty boring? Whatever your thoughts are on the subject, the truth is that all growth business and personal, can leap ahead exponentially 1 minute, then slowly sink into a quagmire the next. The slow quagmire, is simply there […]
Imagine sitting on the beach looking out at the ocean from your luxury accomodations and getting all your work done in just a few hours on your iphone or tablet. Imagine the money still flowing into your account whether you’re travelling through the South of France or hanging out at the baseball game with your […]